
Assets Black JPG
Assets Black JPG


Omega Assets has a range of hemp infused beverages under the HERBEE banner. We currently have 8 beers and two spirits (gin and vodka) in our range
Herbee Pilsner

A lager using traditional malt and German noble hops, the addition of hemp adds a slightly nutty Earthiness while still maintaining a drinkability. 4.8%

Herbee Dredd

American Red Ale: A bigger, bolder ale. Marris Otter and Red ale malts provide a strong backbone for the hemp flavours to mingle with the piney resinous Americans Columbus and Chinook to bring resinous pine flavours to the table. 5.0%

Herbee Noir

Dark Lager: Dark malts blend with roasted hemp to provide a velvety chocolate and nutty finish. Particularly good in winter but worth a try at any time of year. 5.0%

Olly’s Kolsch

Kolsch Mid: Crisp and clean, this low alcohol German ale is a refreshing palette cleanser that warrants multiple testing. 3.6%

Herbee Weedy

Wheat Beer: Bavarian style wheat beer with banana esters, with the hemp addition adding a note of almond and nutmeg to the finish. An old original with a twist. 4.8%

Herbee Indica

Golden lager: A Festival style beer with mallard notes from the decoction mash. Long lagering provides the ultimate smooth beer to drink any time of the year. 4.8%

Herbee Sativa

A New world style pale utilising Sativa hops and myrcene and pinene terpenes. Tropical and stone fruit aromas meld with a resinous finish. 4.8%

Herbee Chill

Bold new Cold IPA with terpenes. COMING SOON! 6.5%

All of our beers are brewed in Western Australia’s Swan Valley in the largest glass microbrewery kettle in the southern hemisphere.

Herbee currently makes a Gin and a Vodka. It is available in 500ml bottles. We are currently have a number of other spirits in development. Watch this space!

Tasting Notes
Herbee Gin

A London dry style gin expressing big citrus notes, balanced with a strong juniper undertone and undercut with notes of hazelnut and pine from the addition of hemp.

Herbee Vodka

The cleanness of this pure spirit is balance with notes of white chocolate, nuttiness and roast from the hemp, making it ideal for both mixing or straight up.